Public Outreach Highlights

- The Court provides pro se, or self-represented, debtors with access to pro bono and low-cost legal services. In 2010, the Central District's divisional pro bono programs cumulatively assisted 7,636 pro se parties.
- The Los Angeles Division Self-Help Desk, opened in 2009, assisted 1,294 pro se parties this year. During its fourth year, the San Fernando Valley Division Self-Help Desk assisted 2,598 pro se parties. Both self-help desks provide bankruptcy information and legal help referrals to self-represented debtors.
- Free bankruptcy seminars at the Riverside Division and clinics at the Santa Ana and Northern Divisions provided information and legal advice to pro se debtors.
- Judges and staff from all five divisions of the Central District participated in educational dinners, panels and seminars for the benefit of the legal community.
- During its second year, the Bar Advisory Board, comprised of 12 volunteer attorneys who meet with the chief judge to discuss issues of mutual concern, created 21 forms that are under review by the Rules Committee and Board of Judges.
- The Bankruptcy Mediation Program, established in 1995, continues to provide the public with effective and reliable assistance in resolving disputes without the time and expense associated with litigation. During the 2009-2010 term, 4,258 matters were assigned to mediation, and over 2,500 were settled.
- The Central District will be one of three districts nationwide to pilot the Pro Se Pathfinder, a web-based application that will allow unrepresented debtors to file electronically.