Judge Sheri Bluebond Selected as Chief Bankruptcy Judge and Named Judge of the Year
In 2014, Judge Sheri Bluebond was selected to serve as the next Chief Bankruptcy Judge for the Central District of California. She will assume the post on January 1, 2015. Judge Bluebond will succeed Chief Judge Peter H. Carroll, who has served as Chief Bankruptcy Judge since 2011. Judge Bluebond will be the seventh Chief Bankruptcy Judge for the Central District. Judge Bluebond's appointment as Chief Bankruptcy Judge will run through 2018.
On November 6, the Central District Consumer Bankruptcy Attorney Association (cdcbaa) held its 11th Annual Calvin Ashland Awards Dinner honoring Judge Bluebond. The event, attended by members of the Judiciary, Bar, and other organizations, was held at the L.A. Hotel in Downtown Los Angeles. During the ceremony, attorney Jim King presented Judge Bluebond with the Calvin Ashland Judge of the Year award for her remarkable contributions and exceptional service as a bankruptcy judge for the Central District of California.
Judge Barry Russell Reappointed
On August 25, 2014, Chief Judge Alex Kozinski of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit announced the reappointment of Judge Barry Russell. Judge Russell, who has been serving the Central District of California for nearly 40 years, is currently the longest-serving full-time bankruptcy judge in the nation. This is his fourth appointment to the bench.
Judge Russell has spent his entire legal career in government service. Before he was appointed to the bench in 1974, he served as an estate and gift tax examiner for the U.S. Department of the Treasury, as a deputy public defender, and as an assistant U.S. attorney in the Criminal Division of the Office of the U.S. Attorney in the Central District of California. Judge Russell served on the Ninth Circuit Bankruptcy Appellate Panel from 1988 to 2001, and as the panel’s chief judge from 1999 to 2001.
Judge Russell was instrumental in developing the Court’s Bankruptcy Mediation Program, established in 1995, and has been the administrator of the program since its inception. From 2001 to 2011, he served as a member of the Ninth Circuit Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) Committee. Judge Russell served as chief judge of the U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the Central District of California from 2003 to 2006.
Judge Erithe A. Smith Celebrates 20 Years on the Bench
Judge Erithe A. Smith was appointed by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit Court to serve as a bankruptcy judge for the Central District of California on May 2, 1994, and reappointed on May 2, 2008. This year marks Judge Smith’s 20th year of service to the Court.
The Santa Ana judges, law clerks, and Clerk’s Office staff shared a moment of reflection commemorating Judge Smith’s 20 years on the bench. During the event, attendees celebrated Judge Smith’s amazing accomplishments throughout her tenure.
Judge Robin L. Riblet Celebrates Retirement
On May 10, 2014, Judge Robin L. Riblet, along with her family, friends, and colleagues, celebrated her retirement after a 26-year career as a bankruptcy judge. Guests enjoyed a beautiful buffet-style dinner complete with a sushi bar. After dinner, the attendees surrounded Judge Riblet as her family made a heartfelt presentation. Judge Riblet retired on May 9 and assumed recalled status on May 11.
Central District Welcomes New Bankruptcy Judge Scott H. Yun
On June 20, 2014, Chief Judge Alex Kozinski of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit announced the appointment of Scott H. Yun to serve as a judge for the United States Bankruptcy Court for the Central District of California. Chief Bankruptcy Judge Peter H. Carroll swore in the new judge on June 23. Judge Yun serves in the Riverside Division, filling the position left vacant by the transfer of Judge Deborah J. Saltzman to Los Angeles.
Born in Seoul, South Korea, Judge Yun graduated cum laude from University of California, Los Angeles in 1993 and received his Juris Doctor from the University of Southern California Gould School of Law in 1996. He served as a law clerk to Bankruptcy Judge Ernest M. Robles in 1997 and entered private practice, first as an associate with Steinberg, Barness & Foster, then as an associate with Robinson, Diamant & Brill. In 2000, he joined the firm of Stutman, Treister & Glatt, representing chapter 11 debtors and official committees of unsecured creditors as lead or co-lead counsel. He served on the firm’s executive board as president, and had been a shareholder since 2003.
Judge Yun heard his first cases in the Riverside Division on July 23, 2014.
Judge Maureen A. Tighe Profiled
Judge Maureen A. Tighe was the subject of a judicial profile in the September 10, 2014 issue of the Daily Journal. The article, written by staff writer Brian Cardile, describes Judge Tighe’s work to improve her community, with particular focus on her efforts to ensure that self-represented parties have fair access to justice. It details the judge’s work to compile and analyze data about the Central District’s self-represented litigants in the Court’s pro se annual reports, and her role in opening self-help desks in the San Fernando Valley Division and throughout the Central District. Mr. Cardile quotes numerous attorneys who have either appeared before Judge Tighe or encountered her in their work on behalf of pro se parties. All testify to her fairness and empathy.
Born in New Jersey, Judge Tighe graduated from Rutgers School of Law with high honors in 1984. She was editor-in-chief of the school’s law review. After graduation, she clerked for District Judge Harold A. Ackerman in New Jersey, and then spent two years as an associate at a New York law firm. From 1988 to 1996, Judge Tighe was a coordinator for the Bankruptcy Fraud Task Force of the U.S. Attorney’s Office (USAO) in Los Angeles. She served as deputy chief of the USAO major frauds section from 1995 to 1998, and as a U.S. Trustee in the Central District from 1998 until 2003, when she was appointed to the bench.
Judge Mark D. Houle Profiled
Judge Mark D. Houle was the subject of a judicial profile in the winter issue of the Federal Bar Association’s (FBA’s) Inland Empire Bar Review. Author Stefanie G. Field, who sits on the Board of Directors of the FBA’s Inland Empire Chapter, notes Judge Houle’s sense of humor, humility, and fairness.
After graduating summa cum laude from Salem State College in 1993, Judge Houle enrolled in Boston College Law School, where he developed an interest in bankruptcy law. After completing law school, the Massachusetts-native relocated to the Central District of California to work as a rotating law clerk for Judges Lynne Riddle, James N. Barr, Robert W. Alberts, and John J. Wilson. He then went into private practice as associate with a bankruptcy firm. While he was there, according to Ms. Field’s biographical sketch, Judge Houle “[so] impressed opposing counsel at Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman LLP that they offered him a job.” Judge Houle was of counsel with Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman LLP when he was appointed to the bench in 2012.
Asked for the traits that have contributed to his success, Judge Houle lists “merit, resiliency, and being nice,” which Ms. Field counts as essential characteristics of the judge’s judicial persona. She also provides a thumbnail of his judicial philosophy. In the words of the profile, Judge Houle “sees himself largely as a facilitator” who “prefers to focus on efficiency and substantive issues, rather than rigidly following procedure.” Ms. Field concludes by praising the judge’s “experience, love of the law, and attitude.”
Passing of Retired Judge Arthur M. Greenwald
Retired Judge Arthur M. Greenwald died on June 4, 2014 following a long illness. First appointed as a bankruptcy judge in 1988, Judge Greenwald was reappointed in 1992, and was serving in the San Fernando Valley Division when he retired in 2005. He had been a member of the California Bar since 1964, and had served as an assistant U.S. attorney for seven years before his appointment to the bench.
Chief Judge Peter H. Carroll prepared a resolution from the Court honoring Judge Greenwald. The matted and framed resolution was hand-delivered by Communications Specialist Laura Piedra to Judge Greenwald’s twin sister, Pearl Greenwald.
Committee Appointments
Judge Erithe A. Smith Continues to Serve on the U.S. Judicial Conference's Committee on the Administration of the Bankruptcy System
Since 2012, Judge Erithe A. Smith has served as a member of the U.S. Judicial Conference’s Committee on the Administration of the Bankruptcy System (Bankruptcy Committee). Charged with oversight of the bankruptcy system, the committee monitors and analyzes bankruptcy operations throughout the nation. It also makes recommendations to the Judicial Conference on the numbers and locations of bankruptcy judgeships, issues that affect the office of bankruptcy judge, the allocation of judicial resources to bankruptcy courts, and other matters. Judge Smith serves on the Subcommittee on Budget Matters and the Subcommittee on Estate Administration. She also serves as the Bankruptcy Committee’s liaison to the Bankruptcy Rules Committee of the Judicial Conference. Judge Smith’s term will end on October 1, 2015.
Chief Judge Carroll and Judge Zive Serve on the Conference of Chief Bankruptcy Judges of the Ninth Circuit
Chief Judge Peter H. Carroll and Judge Gregg W. Zive serve on the Ninth Circuit Conference of Chief Bankruptcy Judges. The conference, which meets twice per year, supports the effective and expeditious administration of justice and the safeguarding of fairness in the administration of the bankruptcy courts within the circuit and serves as a resource to the Judicial Council of the Ninth Circuit and its representatives to the Judicial Conference. To do so, it promotes the fair and prompt resolution of disputes, ensures the effective discharge of court business, prevents any form of invidious discrimination, enhances public understanding of, and confidence in, the Judiciary and the bankruptcy system and keeps apprised of and advises the Judicial Council on issues which may affect these goals. Judge Zive’s term ended on July 31, 2014 and Chief Judge Carroll’s term will end on January 2, 2015.
Additionally, on September 30, 2014, Chief Judge Carroll began serving on the Executive Committee: Ninth Circuit Conference of Chief Bankruptcy Judges. His term will end on September 30, 2015.
Judges Tighe and Bauer Serve on the Ninth Circuit Pro Se Litigation Committee
Judges Maureen A. Tighe and Catherine E. Bauer serve on the Ninth Circuit Pro Se Litigation Committee. Pursuant to its mission, the Ninth Circuit Pro Se Litigation Committee considers the impact on unrepresented litigants and makes recommendations with respect to improving the administration of such cases. Judge Tighe’s term ended on September 30, 2014 and Judge Bauer’s term will end on September 30, 2015.
Judge Richard M. Neiter Serves on the Ninth Circuit Alternative Dispute Resolution Committee
Judge Richard M. Neiter serves on the Ninth Circuit Standing Committee on Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR). The committee produces educational materials on ADR for the benefit of the Ninth Circuit’s district and bankruptcy judges and aids in developing and expanding ADR programs within the Circuit. Judge Neiter’s term will end on September 30, 2015.
Judge Deborah J. Saltzman Serves on the NextGen CM/ECF Working Group and Ninth Circuit Courts & Community Committee
Judge Deborah J. Saltzman serves as a member of the national Next Generation (NextGen) Case Management/Electronic Case Files (CM/ECF) Working Group. The group includes five bankruptcy judges. The purpose of the NextGen CM/ECF Working Group is to review functional requirements and design documents for a new application related to how work is done in CM/ECF, and to review policy questions and make recommendations concerning whether policy issues should be referred to the Court Administration and Case Management Committee’s NextGen Subcommittee. Judge Saltzman provides regular updates to the Court’s IT Committee and CM/ECF Committee.
Additionally, Judge Saltzman serves on the Ninth Circuit Courts & Community Committee. Charged with educating the public about federal courts, the Ninth Circuit Courts & Community Committee promotes community outreach programs and cultivates relationships between the courts and media. Judge Saltzman’s Ninth Circuit Courts & Community Committee term will end on September 30, 2015.
Judges Brand, Clarkson, Klein, and Saltzman Serve on the Ninth Circuit Bankruptcy Judges Education Committee
Judges Julia W. Brand, Scott C. Clarkson, Sandra R. Klein, and Deborah J. Saltzman serve on the Ninth Circuit Bankruptcy Judges Education Committee. Judge Clarkson has served as the chair of the committee since November 2013. The Ninth Circuit Bankruptcy Judges Education Committee was formed more than 20 years ago to provide an educational program exclusively related to bankruptcy topics. Members are either elected by their peers or volunteer to serve three-year terms. The committee consists of six or seven bankruptcy judges from the Ninth Circuit who work together to create a pre-conference program that is presented at the annual Ninth Circuit Judicial Conference. Members of the committee also participate in an annual review of Ninth Circuit bankruptcy decisions and in the annual New Judges Orientation. Judges Clarkson, Klein, and Saltzman completed their terms on July 31, 2014, and Judge Brand will complete her term on September 30, 2015.
Judge Geraldine Mund Serves on the Advisory Council for the Ninth Judicial Circuit Historical Society
Judge Geraldine Mund continues to serve on the Advisory Council for the Ninth Judicial Circuit Historical Society (NJCHS). The NJCHS was founded in 1985 to collect, preserve, and present to the public the history of law in the western United States and the Pacific Islands. The organization also educates children and the general public about the judicial system, rule of law, and other civic values. As a longtime member on the NJCHS, Judge Mund has been instrumental in overseeing the national implementation of oral histories for bankruptcy judges and attorneys, constructing NJCHS’s Strategic Plan, and much more.
Chief Judge Peter H. Carroll Serves on CBF Pro Bono Committee
Chief Judge Peter H. Carroll continued to serve on the California Bankruptcy Forum (CBF) Pro Bono Committee, which oversees the CBF Pro Bono Project. CBF established the Pro Bono Project in 2013 in response to the needs of pro se bankruptcy filers in California bankruptcy courts. For every CBF conference registrant, CBF sets aside $10 to fund local legal aid or other nonprofit groups that provide pro bono bankruptcy services. Other funds are derived from the CBF’s pro bono auction at the conference and voluntary donations by attendees. In conjunction with the 2014 Annual Conference in Santa Barbara, the CBF used a crowdfunding competition between the Orange County Bankruptcy Forum (OCBF) and the Los Angeles Bankruptcy Forum (LABF) to raise a total of $10,466.11 for the project. The OCBF funds will be used “to expand the reach of pro se clinics via the internet,” while the LABF will use the funds “to support the work of the ‘self-help desks’ located in the Los Angeles, San Fernando Valley, and Northern Divisions.”
Judge Scott C. Clarkson Appointed to Individual Chapter 11 Task Force
In the spring of 2014, Judge Scott C. Clarkson was appointed to the American Bankruptcy Institute’s (ABI’s) Individual Chapter 11 Task Force as a member of the Judges Advisory Panel. The Individual Chapter 11 Task Force has undertaken a two-year study of individual chapter 11 cases throughout the nation, in hopes of developing a comprehensive report and providing recommendations for improvement of the system and the procedures used in individual chapter 11 cases. Judge Clarkson is one of six bankruptcy judges serving on the task force.
Chief Judge Peter H. Carroll and Systems Integration Manager Sam Abram Serve on the Ninth Circuit IT Committee
On December 4, 2014, Chief Judge Peter H. Carroll was appointed to the Ninth Circuit Information Technology Committee through September 30, 2017. Systems Integration Manager Sam Abram, appointed to the committee in 2011 and reappointed in 2013, concluded his term on September 30, 2014.
The Ninth Circuit IT Committee discusses IT trends and directions, establishes guidelines and makes recommendations for implementation of new initiatives within the Ninth Circuit, and demonstrates new technologies which can be beneficial to Ninth Circuit courts. Additionally, the Ninth Circuit IT Committee discusses training court staff on new software, hardware, processes, and procedures.
Executive Officer/Clerk of Court Kathleen J. Campbell Serves on the Bankruptcy Clerks Advisory Group, Ninth Circuit Courts & Community Committee, and Human Resources Advisory Council
Executive Officer/Clerk of Court Kathleen J. Campbell served on the Bankruptcy Clerks Advisory Group (BCAG) through December 31, 2014 and is currently serving on the Ninth Circuit Courts & Community Committee and the Human Resources Advisory Council (HRAC). BCAG provides advice about Clerk’s Office-related issues that affect the administration of the bankruptcy system.
As a member of the Ninth Circuit Courts & Community Committee, Ms. Campbell aids in educating the public about the work of the federal courts by promoting community outreach programs and facilitating relations between the courts and media. Ms. Campbell’s term on the Ninth Circuit Courts & Community Committee will end on September 30, 2015.
Ms. Campbell also serves on the HRAC. The HRAC provides advice on the needs and views of court constituents with respect to judiciary-wide human resources matters. Ms. Campbell’s term on the HRAC will end on December 31, 2015.
Beryl Dixon Serves on the Human Resources Specialists Advisory Group
Officer of Planning and Personnel Management Beryl Dixon serves on the Human Resources Specialists Advisory Group (HRSAG). The HRSAG’s mission is to provide the Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts (AO) with advice, assistance, and recommendations regarding human resources, payroll, and benefits administration on an ongoing basis, in order to enhance the quality and timeliness of service to courts. Ms. Dixon’s term will end on December 31, 2015.
Sandi Brask Appointed to Bankruptcy Methods Analysis Program Working Group
On March 13, 2014, the Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts (AO) announced that Special Projects Manager Sandi Brask had been appointed to serve on the Bankruptcy Methods Analysis Program (BMAP) Working Group. The 10-member group collects, reviews, and recommends selected court practices that increase the efficiency or effectiveness of bankruptcy clerk’s offices.
The BMAP Working Group meets in-person up to three times per year and keeps in touch through periodic conference calls. Ms. Brask’s appointment will end on December 31, 2015.
Francis Ha Appointed to Courtroom Technology Working Group
Network Manager Francis Ha served on the Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts’ (AO) Courtroom Technology Working Group. The Courtroom Technology Working Group evaluates and recommends changes to the current courtroom technology program. Its recommendations concern funding mechanisms, procurement strategies, best practices, guidelines, and the future direction of the program. The working group also assists the AO and the Information Technology Advisory Council in making recommendations to the Judicial Conference Committee on Information Technology for adjustments to the courtroom technology program. Mr. Ha’s appointment ended in September 2014.
Herbert Seales Announced as Co-Chair of the Greater Los Angeles Area Federal Executive Board COOP Working Group
Administrative Specialist and COOP Coordinator Herbert Seales continued to serve as co-chair for the Greater Los Angeles Federal Executive Board (GLAFEB) COOP Working Group.
Established in 2006, the GLAFEB Continuity Working Group’s mission is to:
- Promote the development of continuity plans and enhance the federal partners’ overall emergency preparedness for a wide-range of potential emergencies as mandated in Homeland Security Presidential Directive-20, National Continuity Policy, the National Continuity Policy Implementation Plan, and Federal Continuity Directive-1 (FCD-1), Federal Executive Branch National Continuity Program and Requirements.
- Encourage agency emergency preparedness and employee readiness among public and private organizations through partnerships and preparedness activities.
Working with this group affords the Court additional resources in the collective regional effort of preparing for emergency situations. Mr. Seales’ appointment will end in 2015.
Clerk's Office Staff Serves The National Conference of Bankruptcy Clerks
The National Conference of Bankruptcy Clerks (NCBC) is a private association that was created in 1980 to address the ongoing needs of bankruptcy clerks. Since then, NCBC has evolved to include deputy clerks and other parties interested in the welfare of the bankruptcy system. NCBC’s main goal is to provide its members with training and development opportunities, advocate for bankruptcy clerks and the bankruptcy system, and foster leadership and input on a national level. NCBC is governed by officers, board members, and committees who meet in-person and via telephonic conference.
Central District of California Clerk’s Office staff served on the following NCBC committees and boards:
Sandi Brask Appointed to NCBC Education Committee
In October 2014, Special Projects Manager Sandi Brask was appointed to the NCBC Education Committee for the 2015 NCBC Conference, which is tasked with developing the educational content of the 2015 conference.
Jan Zari Appointed Editor of the NCBC Newsletter
On September 15, 2014, Administrative Specialist Jan Zari was appointed as the Impact Editor for the NCBC. As Impact Editor, he chairs the NCBC Editorial Committee and serves on the NCBC Board. The Impact is the official newsletter of the NCBC and is distributed to all members. The Impact newsletter includes updates from the NCBC Board and the various activities of the organization, as well as news and updates from the Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts (AO) and from local courts across the nation. Mr. Zari’s appointment will end in December 2018.
Jennifer Paro Appointed as NCBC Historian
Courtroom Technology Specialist Jennifer Paro serves as the NCBC Historian. Ms. Paro maintains the NCBC’s existing historical records and documents its activities in photographs, videos, and audio recordings. Serving jointly with long-time NCBC Historian Mary Lynn Wilson, Ms. Paro focuses on digitizing the association’s existing historical documents and recording oral histories, among other duties. Ms. Paro’s three-year term will end in 2016.
Sabrina Palacio-Garcia Elected to NCBC Board of Governors
Self Help Desk Team Leader Sabrina Palacio-Garcia continued to serve as NCBC Ninth Circuit Liaison until she was elected by NCBC members to the Board of Governors in July 2014. As a member of the Board of Governors, Ms. Palacio-Garcia is responsible for completing at least one project assigned or designated by the President of NCBC or agreed upon by a majority vote of the Board of Governors. Additionally, Ms. Palacio-Garcia was selected to chair the Membership Committee by the President of NCBC. Ms. Palacio-Garcia’s two-year term will end in 2016.
Jessica Garibay Serves as Ninth Circuit Liaison of the NCBC
Replacing Self Help Desk Team Leader Sabrina Palacio-Garcia, Executive Assistant Jessica Garibay was appointed to serve as the Ninth Circuit Liaison by the President of NCBC, with the consent of the Board of Governors. As the Ninth Circuit Liaison, her duties consist of representing the Circuit constituency, coordinating NCBC activities within the Circuit, chairing meetings and teleconferences with the NCBC Board, and disseminating membership and other information as necessary. Ms. Garibay's appointment will end in December 2016.
Myeasha Miller and Monica Yepes Appointed as NCBC Local Representatives
In December 2014, Customer Service Representative Myeasha Miller and Operations Support Clerk Monica Yepes were appointed to two-year terms as NCBC Local Representatives. In addition to acting as the Court’s local contact for the annual NCBC Conference, as NCBC Local Representatives, Ms. Miller and Ms. Yepes will work with the Ninth Circuit Liaison to promote and increase NCBC membership and participation within the Court. Ms. Miller and Ms. Yepes will complete their terms in 2016.
California Central District Judicial Committees
In accordance with the Court Governance Plan, judicial committees appointed by the Chief Judge address court related issues and provide feedback to the entire Board of Judges regarding court operations and administrative issues. The Chief Judge and the Executive Officer/Clerk of Court are ex officio members of each committee. Clerk’s Office staff members attend meetings and support the judicial committees.
The members of the 2014 judicial committees were:
Barry Russell, Chair CASE MANAGEMENT
Sheri Bluebond, Chair CHAPTER 13
Sandra R. Klein, Chair |
Deborah J. Saltzman, Chair PRO SE
Maureen A. Tighe, Chair RULES
Vincent P. Zurzolo, Chair SPACE AND SECURITY
Robert N. Kwan, Chair |