Central District of California - 2012 Pro Se Annual Report
New Programs and Services for the Self-Represented

The Court continues to serve its large population of self-represented parties through the completion of several initiatives. Many of the Court projects listed in the “Under Construction” section of the 2011 report have been implemented in 2012.
New Website Launched
The Court launched a newly redesigned website on October 25, 2012 with many new features to assist self-represented parties. The new website features a user-friendly look and feel that enables the Court to deliver well-organized information to the public, allows for easier navigation across the site, and provides quick access to a wide variety of resources and information about the Court. For the first time, the Court’s website is searchable and offers a read-aloud service via BrowseAloud. A search window allows users to locate bankruptcy forms and other essential information. Using Adobe Acrobat, debtors are now able to save electronic copies of bankruptcy forms for further editing before the final petition is filed. Resources for locating attorney referral services and self-help desks are now easier to navigate
Call Center Implemented
Late in 2012, the Court established a Call Center which can be accessed by a toll free telephone number. The Call Center handles calls from the public for all of the Court’s five divisions. A new call script, available in both English and Spanish, provides automated information about obtaining free or low cost legal assistance, calendar and hearing matters, Court locations, attorneys, credit reporting and fraud, and fees. The automated service is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, while Call Center operators are available during regular court hours.
The ability of the automated system to answer a large number of calls permits Call Center operators to attend to those customers who have more case-specific and involved questions. On average, the Call Center services between 2,300 and 2,500 calls a month, which may reduce the number of interruptions to departments district-wide that would otherwise receive these phone calls.
DVD Created for Self-Represented Parties

The Court assisted Public Counsel in filming two DVDs. One is a 35 minute film that captured Public Counsel’s bi-weekly seminar and includes a PowerPoint presentation, providing prospective filers an overview of bankruptcy. The overview DVD has been distributed widely for use at the self-help desks. The second is a three and a half hour, step-by-step, page-by-page instruction on how to complete a chapter 7 bankruptcy petition using a sample petition.
The footage includes an overview of the petition, all schedules and local court forms. The video scene selection menu allows viewers to quickly find the desired subject matter without watching the entire video. Final touches are being put on the longer video now, and it will be distributed by mid-2013 to pro bono organizations running the Self-Help Desks throughout the Central District.
Forms and Instructions
Proof of Service Instructions:
The Court also completed and distributed a guide to providing proof of service of a pleading. Created to assist self-represented parties with meeting the service requirements for documents filed in their cases, it is anticipated these instructions will also reduce instances of a missing Proof of Service and consequently the number of continued hearings or denials of relief based on procedural error. The Proof of Service Instructions are posted along with the Proof of Service form on the Court’s website.
Directions to 341(a) Meeting Locations:
Despite the 341(a) notice provided to each debtor that states the location of the 341(a) meeting of creditors, debtors often mistakenly travel to the courthouse to attend their 341(a) meeting of creditors. As a courtesy, the Court now provides a flyer with directions from each Court division to the nearest meeting location. The maps are also on the Court’s website.
Table of Contents
- Introduction
- Self-Represented Parties - The Numbers
- Impact from Assistance by Non-Attorneys
- Debtor ID Program
- Bankruptcy Petition Preparer (BPP) Tracking
- Chapter 7 Success
- Chapter 13 Failure
- Burden on Court Staff
- Fraud and Abuse
- Language Barriers
- Professional Involvement in “Pro Se” Fraud Cases
- New Programs and Services for the Self-Represented
- New Website Launched
- Call Center Implemented
- DVD Created for Self-Represented Parties
- Forms and Instructions
- Assistance from Volunteers and Nonprofit Organizations
- Los Angeles Division
- San Fernando Valley Division
- Santa Ana Division
- Riverside Division
- Northern Division
- Recognition
- Fundraising by Pro Bono Organizations for Non-Court Services
- Run For Justice
- Inaugural Leslie Cohen 5K Run/Walk
- Earle Hagen Memorial Golf Tournament
- Los Angeles Holiday Party
- Santa Ana Holiday Party
- Current Projects “Under Construction”
- Conclusion