Central District of California - 2012 Pro Se Annual Report
Santa Ana Division

Public Law Center
The Orange County Bar’s holiday party successfully raised over $15,000 in December 2012. As a result of the funds raised, Public Law Center’s Self-Help Clinic began operating two days a week in January 2013.
Table of Contents
- Introduction
- Self-Represented Parties - The Numbers
- Impact from Assistance by Non-Attorneys
- Debtor ID Program
- Bankruptcy Petition Preparer (BPP) Tracking
- Chapter 7 Success
- Chapter 13 Failure
- Burden on Court Staff
- Fraud and Abuse
- Language Barriers
- Professional Involvement in “Pro Se” Fraud Cases
- New Programs and Services for the Self-Represented
- New Website Launched
- Call Center Implemented
- DVD Created for Self-Represented Parties
- Forms and Instructions
- Assistance from Volunteers and Nonprofit Organizations
- Los Angeles Division
- San Fernando Valley Division
- Santa Ana Division
- Riverside Division
- Northern Division
- Recognition
- Fundraising by Pro Bono Organizations for Non-Court Services
- Run For Justice
- Inaugural Leslie Cohen 5K Run/Walk
- Earle Hagen Memorial Golf Tournament
- Los Angeles Holiday Party
- Santa Ana Holiday Party
- Current Projects “Under Construction”
- Conclusion