Central District of California - 2012 Pro Se Annual Report
Northern Division

Legal Aid Foundation of Santa Barbara County
The Legal Aid Foundation of Santa Barbara County operates a self-help desk in addition to providing assistance at reaffirmation hearings. Usually more than half of the 30 debtors appearing at each reaffirmation calendar receive assistance from a volunteer attorney.
As a result of a $10,000 grant awarded through the American College of Bankruptcy and American College of Bankruptcy Foundation in 2012, the clinic will be expanding its area and will move to the first floor near the intake lobby.
Table of Contents
- Introduction
- Self-Represented Parties - The Numbers
- Impact from Assistance by Non-Attorneys
- Debtor ID Program
- Bankruptcy Petition Preparer (BPP) Tracking
- Chapter 7 Success
- Chapter 13 Failure
- Burden on Court Staff
- Fraud and Abuse
- Language Barriers
- Professional Involvement in “Pro Se” Fraud Cases
- New Programs and Services for the Self-Represented
- New Website Launched
- Call Center Implemented
- DVD Created for Self-Represented Parties
- Forms and Instructions
- Assistance from Volunteers and Nonprofit Organizations
- Los Angeles Division
- San Fernando Valley Division
- Santa Ana Division
- Riverside Division
- Northern Division
- Recognition
- Fundraising by Pro Bono Organizations for Non-Court Services
- Run For Justice
- Inaugural Leslie Cohen 5K Run/Walk
- Earle Hagen Memorial Golf Tournament
- Los Angeles Holiday Party
- Santa Ana Holiday Party
- Current Projects “Under Construction”
- Conclusion