Message from Maureen A. Tighe, United States Bankruptcy Judge, Central District of California
Chair, Pro Se Resources Committee
In 2011, the Court issued Access to Justice in Crisis: Self-Represented Parties and the Court, its initial effort to describe the scope and depth of the barriers faced by self-represented parties. Since then, the United States Bankruptcy Court for the Central District of California has strived to provide as much information as possible about the population of self-represented parties in the District. This report, which covers activities in 2013, reflects that the debtors in this District are finding counsel more frequently and succeeding in chapter 7 at a greater rate than in the past. This result is impressive and due, in no small part, to the sustained effort and dedication of our pro bono partners. Access to the self-help, pro bono, and web page resources has helped to reduce the number of self-represented debtors. These resources have also increased the rate by which self-represented debtors successfully obtain chapter 7 discharges. The increased success rates demonstrate that the combined efforts of volunteers and non-profit legal groups have made a difference in the lives of many low income debtors. The goal of this Report is not only to highlight the efforts made to increase access to the courts in the Central District - I hope the ideas and information will inspire and assist others to continue efforts to increase access so that equal justice for all is a practical reality in our courts.