Santa Ana Division

Legal Clinic
In 2013, the Santa Ana Division enjoyed the expansion of its onsite legal clinic operated by Public Law Center opening two days a week and serving nearly twice the number of visitors than the previous year. Public Law Center also provides pro bono representation in chapter 7 cases with attorneys from the local bar, when available. In 2013, 61 chapter 7 volunteers, 31 reaffirmation volunteers, and 19 direct representation volunteer attorneys assisted a total of 1,003 self-represented parties. The legal clinic is co-sponsored by the Orange County Bar Association, Orange County Bar Association – Commercial Law and Bankruptcy Section, and the Orange County Bankruptcy Forum. Orange County Legal Aid also holds a weekly chapter 7 clinic and assists debtors in filing on their own if it is a no asset case.
Reaffirmation Agreement Clinic
The Santa Ana Division has a Reaffirmation Agreement Clinic similar to the one in Los Angeles. The clinic is operated by the Public Law Center with volunteers from the local bar. Approximately 227 individuals received assistance from the Reaffirmation Agreement Clinic.