Programs and Services
Since 2011, the Court has added a wide array of resources for self-represented parties visiting the Court’s website and Intake areas. Both at the window and online, the Court provides petition packets that include instructions and examples for filling out the petition. The Court website has long displayed judge specific information, trustee offices, FAQ’s for a broad range of bankruptcy questions (in both Spanish and English), links to approved credit counseling agencies and financial management courses, bankruptcy fees, and download ready rules and forms. Additionally, the Court distributes State Bar pamphlets, and other flyers specifically troubleshooting the common problems that arise in cases filed by those without an attorney.

The “Don’t Have an Attorney” page on the Court’s website is a one-stop page providing self-help guidance. Information is geared toward those who have yet to file and those who have already filed. This page includes the hours for self-help clinics and seminars offered at each division, and contact information for free or low cost bankruptcy attorneys. In 2013, the page was updated to include new videos created in cooperation with Public Counsel’s Los Angeles Self-Help Desk, and a Bankruptcy Timeline, showing important deadlines and providing an overview of the process.