eSR Pro Se eFile Project
The Electronic Self-Representation (eSR) software, which allows self-represented individuals to create and submit a chapter 7 bankruptcy petition electronically, continues to be refined by the Administrative Office of the United States Courts (AO) with the assistance of three test courts: New Jersey, New Mexico, and the Central District of California. In 2013, the AO’s IT Systems Deployment & Support joined the test courts and began independent testing of the software. Their role is to try to replicate issues encountered by the test courts and report any findings to the AO’s Department of Technology Services. The software was updated to ensure compatibility with CM/ECF 5.1 and new official form revisions which took effect April 1st of 2013. Once version 5.1 has been used live and it has been determined that all systems and databases are functioning properly, the test courts will put eSR through its paces before it becomes available at all self-help desks.
To prepare for the launch of eSR, an interim pilot program was implemented in June of 2013 at the Los Angeles Division’s Self-Help Resource Center. With the assistance of Public Counsel, debtors were able to use an onsite resource computer to fill out an electronic chapter 7 petition. Clerk’s Office staff provided procedural assistance during this pilot while legal questions were directed to Public Counsel. Debtors were selected to use eSR after attending Public Counsel’s chapter 7 bankruptcy seminar, held twice a month in downtown Los Angeles. All debtors who participated in the interim fillable forms pilot successfully filed bankruptcy and received a discharge.