Existing Programs and Services
Court Resources and Pro Bono Partnership
San Fernando Valley Reaffirmation Breakfast

Public Counsel started the reaffirmation hearing clinic program in 1998 under the leadership of two private attorneys, Jeff Krause and Tom Walper. The program was first implemented in the Los Angeles Division in conjunction with Public Counsel. The program was so successful that Public Counsel later worked with the San Fernando Valley Division, as well as local consumer bankruptcy bar associations and law firms in the Woodland Hills area, to staff the clinic on a monthly basis. In Woodland Hills, the judges host breakfast for the volunteers and any other attorneys appearing for reaffirmation 30 minutes before the volunteers are scheduled to provide counsel and advice to debtors that day. After breakfast, the volunteer attorneys then meet with the debtors on calendar before the hearings.
Pro Bono Volunteers Honored (Pro Bono Breakfast)
On October 20, 2014, the Court hosted a breakfast reception for the pro bono volunteers listed in its 2014 Honor Roll. The Court also published its annual Honor Roll update to commemorate the beginning of the American Bar Association’s National pro bono Celebration week, which took place October 19-25. Clerk of Court Kathleen J. Campbell and Judges Neil W. Bason, Thomas B. Donovan, Sandra R. Klein, Maureen A. Tighe and Vincent P. Zurzolo mingled with over 40 guests, including volunteers, judiciary staff, and guests from the United States Trustee’s Office who were treated to breakfast pizza, hashbrowns and muffins. The event was made possible by funds provided by the Central District’s Attorney Admission Fund.
Chief Judge Peter H. Carroll made remarks in appreciation of the Court’s pro bono volunteers, noting that the Central District is still the only bankruptcy court to participate in the national pro bono celebration. Judge Maureen A. Tighe then shared words of inspiration from her recent introduction to Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor, who also champions pro bono work, emphasizing the impact volunteers have made in the District. Volunteers in attendance were provided certificates of recognition, “celebrate pro bono” lapel pins and pens, and copies of the 2013 Report, Access to Justice: Self-Represented Parties and the Court. Certificates for those volunteers who were unable to attend the celebration were distributed to the pro bono organization with which they served. To view the list of honorees, the 2014 Honor Roll is posted on the Court’s website under Programs & Services Pro Bono Volunteers Honored.