Project Updates and Future Enhancements
Electronic Self-Representation (eSR)

The electronic filing project will continue to improve as we see how the public interacts with Electronic Self-Representation (eSR). The Court will be increasing its outreach efforts so that more debtors learn of this free service.
Limited Scope of Representation
An August 2014 Ninth Circuit BAP decision, DeLuca v. Seare addressed ethical concerns regarding limited scope of representation, prompting Judge Maureen A. Tighe and Judge Meredith A. Jury to establish a bench-bar committee to reconsider the Court’s limited scope rules in relation to the California Rules of Professional Conduct and the Seare decision. (See DeLuca v. Seare, BAP No. NV-13-1196-KiTaJu (B.A.P. 9th Cir. Aug. 25, 2014.)) The committee had its first meeting in December 2014, and plans to continue through 2015. A new rule addressing limited scope representation should be considered in 2015 enabling more clarity as to when a party is self-represented.